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We are happy to provide multiple opportunities to gather together, learn, and serve. Below is a list of all of our current and upcoming studies and ministries. Some of these do not take place at the church building. Please contact us for more info.

The Gospels

Our Sunday Morning adult class is going through the gospels this year. 



On Wednesday evenings, we are going through Paul's Epistle to the Ephesians


Teens: The Gospels and Acts

On Sunday mornings, our middle school group is surveying the life of Jesus Christ through each of the gospels.

PreK-Kindergarten & Early Elementary: "Bible Study Guide" 

Bible Study Guide For All Ages is a curriculum that takes our young children through all the major Bible stories and characters to establish a foundational knowledge of the Bible. We have two classes for our young kids using this curriculum: PreK-K (Non-Readers) and Early Elementary (Readers). 


Ages 1-2: Shaping Hearts

We begin teaching our littlest children basic Biblical principles found in Biblical stories. This class teaches our little ones the stories and themes of the Bible to give them the building blocks of a strong heart.

"Entrust" Group

The "Entrust" group is a group for members of our church body who are looking to dig in and grow in their ability to both understand the Bible and teach others about the gospel of Jesus Christ. This group meets on the 2nd Sunday of each month.


Small Group:
  Dinner and Bible Reading

Every other Friday evenings we gather together to read and reflect on scripture and to build stronger relationships with each other. These small group meetings take place at the home of one of our members. For more information on these small group studies, please reach out to us through email or ask any of our members when you visit our worship and Bible classes on Sunday or Wednesday. We are currently reading through the Psalms.

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